[The Himalayan] UHGHF hands over the 8 Classrooms, Kitchen Hall, Cycle stand to Rupandehi School > 보도기사 | 엄홍길휴먼재단



[The Himalayan] UHGHF hands over the 8 Classrooms, Kitchen Hall, Cycle…

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작성자엄홍길휴먼재단 작성일24-07-08 13:37 조회283회 댓글0건



BUTWAL:Um Hong Gil Human Foundation (UHGHF) handed over the Extension 8 Classrooms, Kitchen Hall, and Cycle Stand to Siddhartha Gautam Buddha Basic School (SGBBS) in a ceremony held today. 

The hand-over ceremony was held in the presence of 500 students, teachers, parents, and distinguished guests from Korea and Nepal.

The ceremony was conducted with the chief guest, Surendra Paudyal, Chairman, Gaidahawa Rural Municipality. The main donor of this project, Kim Woiyong, President of Yongbang Logistics, Captain Um Hong Gil, Executive Director, UHGHF, and two Korean guests witnessed the ceremony. The ceremony was chaired by Waris Musalman, School Construction Committee Chairperson, according to a statement issued by UHGHF.

The newly expanded construction has eight child-friendly classrooms on the top floor and the renovation of eight classrooms in the existing school building and toilet building. The new kitchen hall and bike stand were also constructed. Additionally, UHGHF supported Dell-branded computers, furniture, uniforms, school bags, and stationery items.

UHGHF supported NPR 11,200,000 and the remaining budget from Gaidahawa Rural Municipality.Captain Um Hong Gil is a legendary mountaineer and the only person to scale the 16 highest peaks above 8000 m in the world, of which 10 are situated in Nepal. 

Recently, on May 3, 2024, he successfully made the first ascent of Jugal Himal-I to mark the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Korea and Nepal. He has been working in Nepal through his charitable organization, Um Hong Gil Human Foundation (UHGHF), since 2009, with a strong commitment to enhancing quality education for disadvantaged and marginalized children. UHGHF has supported the building of 17 school campuses across the country, and around 8,000 students are getting direct benefits from his philanthropic act, the Um Hong Gil Human Foundation said.


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